With repeated manicures or household chores, nails can sometimes end up looking a bit yellow. But fortunately, there are natural methods to find beautiful white nails. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you all the solutions to whiten the nails without damaging them.
Whiten your nails with baking soda
Baking soda brings us an easy and natural solution to avoid yellowing nails. The steps are also very simple:
- Pour baking soda on an old toothbrush.
- Gently brush your nails.
- Rinse everything with water.
Find white nails with lemon
Another essential tip for white nails: lemon! It is a natural cleanser, which degreases the nail to restore all its freshness. After several days, your nails regain all their shine. Plus, it’s eco-friendly and smells good.
Whiten nails with hydrogen peroxide
Remember that hydrogen peroxide shouldn’t be used alone. Mix it with a little baking soda. This allows you to get a paste, which you can then apply to your nails. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse. Your nails are disinfected and purified.
Remove yellow stains with white vinegar
Another everyday ingredient with a thousand uses: white vinegar. You can pour a little on a cotton ball and apply it on your nails. Vinegar has a great degreasing effect.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure sets to care for your nails.
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