This summer, boost your nails before applying your super neon nail polish or your favorite pastel! Hardener, serums, half-moon file, protective base… Dig into our selection of smart accessories and anti-breakage shields to keep an impeccable manicure. As a bonus, advice from a pro to pamper your nails step by step.

The right gestures for ultra-resistant nails
- Choose a medium-grit file to shrink the nail and give it the shape you want.
- In order not to weaken the nail, adopt a fine file with small grains for the finish.
- Nourish and fortify your nails by massaging them from the bulb of the thumb, with a treatment enriched with sweet almond and antioxidant vitamin E.
- Don’t hesitate to overflow to hydrate the contours, and insist on the cuticles. Softened, they will be easier to push back with the flat tip of your wooden stick.
- Don’t zap the pose of the base. This is the essential step to preserve porous nails from water like varnish.
- Apply your 2 coats of color, thin so that the result is more uniform.
- Respect the drying time to avoid addicts, or opt for accelerating drying care.
- Preserve color and boost shine with a touch of top coat.
OK! Now that you have known how to have a top manicure in summer, take your manicure supplies into action! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have manicure tools. We have everything all you need in Maryton nail supply.
Read also: Summer Manicures: Adopt The 2 Trends Of The Season